SINCE 2010
With extensive experience, top-tier education, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, KOSCAK AUDIO ensures trusted quality in all audio services.
Big audio enthusiast covering various fields in the audio domain, including audio mixing and mastering, measuring and designing room acoustics, audio for motion pictures (recording and post-production), and designing and fine-tuning PA systems.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. With the education and experience of KOSCAK AUDIO’s founder and CEO, Ivan Košćak, you can trust the quality of our services. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sound engineering from the prestigious, world-renowned Middlesex University in London and has over fifteen years of experience in countless projects, assuring you can reach out to us with confidence.
Zadovoljstvo klijenta je naš glavni prioritet. S obzirom na edukaciju i iskustvo osnivača i CEO-a poduzeća KOSCAK AUDIO, Ivana Košćaka, možete biti sigurni u kvalitetu naših usluga. On ima titulu stručnog prvostupnika za inženjera zvuka na prestižnom, svjetski priznatom “Middlesex University” u Londonu i više od petnaest godina iskustva u brojnim projektima, što vam jamči da nam se možete obratiti s povjerenjem.
Our Mission
As a passionate audio enthusiast, KOSCAK AUDIO specializes in audio mastering, room acoustics design, audio for motion pictures, and PA system tuning. Customer satisfaction is the top priority. With over fifteen years of experience and a bachelor’s degree in sound engineering from Middlesex University in London, founder and CEO Ivan Košćak assures you can trust the quality of the services.